My grandparents were born before powered flight was a thing. They lived long enough to take flying interstate and overseas for granted. My parents were born just after the first working television was demonstrated by John Logie Baird in 1926 and well before they were commonplace in households throughout the world. Two years after I was born the first integrated circuit or computer chip was unveiled and we all know where that has taken us.
The first workable prototype of the internet appeared in the late 1960s and the first mobile phones were demonstrated in 1973. We take both for granted and our lives grind to a halt if either aren’t working. We communicate with our 7 month old grand daughter via Skype, our 5 year old grand son calls us using FaceTime on his iPad to show off his latest Lego construction.
There can be no denying that the pace of change has picked up but has our ability to accomodate and embrace change evolved at the same pace?